Session/artefact to be observed/reviewed: Situating Your Practice unit- Competition element, year 2 Hair Make up & Prosthetics for Performance
Size of student group: 28
Observer: Jess Curtis
Observee: Tanya Noor
Note: This record is solely for exchanging developmental feedback between colleagues. Its reflective aspect informs PgCert and Fellowship assessment, but it is not an official evaluation of teaching and is not intended for other internal or legal applications such as probation or disciplinary action.
Part One
Observee to complete in brief and send to observer prior to the observation or review:
What is the context of this session/artefact within the curriculum?
This session is a live application and presentation for Situating Your Practice unit competition element.
How long have you been working with this group and in what capacity?
I have worked with this group as course leader for 2 years and have taken various sessions with them over the past 5 months
What are the intended or expected learning outcomes?
Learning Outcomes (LO) and Assessment Criteria On completion of this unit you will be able to:
LO 1: Demonstrate the process of research, and analysis, to inform your proposal (enquiry, process);
LO 2: Evidence your ability to critically reflect upon your work in performance and design practice and present how your proposal is relevant, innovative, and experimental (enquiry, knowledge);
LO 3: Demonstrate professional skills in presenting and communicating ideas in response to an industry specific insight (process, communication).
What are the anticipated outputs (anything students will make/do)?
Live Hair & make up application in groups within a time frame and presentation to industry panel for feedback.
Are there potential difficulties or specific areas of concern?
Completing within the allocated time and successful teamwork.
How will students be informed of the observation/review?
Verbally prior to the start of the session
What would you particularly like feedback on?
I would like feedback on all aspects, this is a new session and ways to improve for the future would help move forwards with future planning.
How will feedback be exchanged?
Written notes and verbal discussion
Part Two
Observer to note down observations, suggestions and questions:
- It was great to see an excited and engaged group of students working together to create ambitious full body looks under timed conditions for a panel of experts to judge.
- This session seems a great example of the fusion of your industry experience and teaching practice in a way that inspires and informs your students.
- The room felt focussed but relaxed. The students knew what was expected of them and felt excited to rise to the challenge of a competition. Your forward planning and the way that you worked alongside your colleague Molly to create a professional studio atmosphere, gave them a sense that their work was respected and taken seriously.
- The students seemed self-reliant and independent in this session, working to time and supporting each other.
- You had chosen a judging Panel who clearly took their role – to scrutinise and critique – seriously, while maintaining a sense of positivity and creative respect. It was great that you all went around to see the students at their stations, gaining and understanding of their process and reinforcing to them that their preparation, working environment, care of client and supporting research are as important, and relate to, the success of their outcome.
- This session will no doubt stand them in good stead when it comes to the new experience of live assessment being implemented on the course in the future. Would it be helpful to capture some specific feedback from the students about their perspective on the day?
- Are there any adjustments that would be helpful to make to the scheduling of the day? Perhaps by staggering their start times they can complete and then move to another space to reflect or record.
- Could the photographing of their models offer an opportunity for them to learn aspects of recording their own work in the future – or how to communicate with a photographer to get the best out of this part of the process? Using a student photographer is a great point of peer collaboration. Perhaps they can meet beforehand to discuss issues that may arise, or to benefit from an insight into each other’s practice, that pressures on the day don’t allow for?
- Is there an opportunity to display their work in UAL to share and platform the course and year group?
- You mentioned some wonderful ideas around involving the first- and third-year groups in this exercise to bring the whole group together- creating different levels of competition and modelling the roles within an industry environment. This sounds like a great way to foster community, industry experience and a year group identity.
Part Three
Observee to reflect on the observer’s comments and describe how they will act on the feedback exchanged:
Thank you Jess for All your feedback and suggestions they are all extremely helpful and insightful.
Running timed competition style sessions can be stressful for the students so it’s great to hear that you found the atmosphere to be exciting but also relaxed and focused.
I try to create industry conditions wherever possible to push the employability aspect of the course, which isn’t always easy so it’s reassuring to know that there was a fusion of industry and teaching practices.
Teamwork was a main focus for this project, not just for the students but also for the teaching team. It’s really interesting to hear how the planning and team work with me and Mollie was reflected in the atmosphere and helped to give students a sense of being respected as practitioners. This observation emphasises the importance of cohesive teaching teams and is something I am now keen to explore further. Perhaps more sharing of how we approach a project with the students to show them parallels between all our working practices would be useful.
Very reassuring to know that the judges were able to scrutinise and give critical analysis and feedback in a positive way encouraging creativity. The process is just as important as the outcome and being able to assess aspects such as client care, H&S and time management is vital and something that I would like to embed in the live assessment process.
Great idea to capture individual feedback from the students and is something I will definitely implement moving forwards.
I agree that some scheduling adjustments would help the day run more smoothly. Staggering the start times would be a very beneficial improvement, this will cut down on waiting time and save on studio space. Finding a separate room for feedback with the judges is something we will do for the next session. This time round they were in an open space for feedback as there was nowhere else available. This is something we can implement at the start of the planning stages.
Building up more of a relationship with the photographer to expand skills and knowledge is a great suggestion. This also mirrors industry practice emphasising the importance of collaboration and respecting each other’s crafts. Moving forward I think this could be included in a dedicated ‘recording your work’ session and perhaps also during certain supervised studio sessions.
Finding a way to display the work and platform the course within UAL would build student confidence and create a sense of community. This is something I will definitely research. It will also be another opportunity for further collaborations and UAL wide feedback on the project.
Involving all year groups is something I would like to explore so it’s incredibly helpful to hear your comments and suggestions on this. Varying levels of competition and giving students individual roles will help to create an industry led approach and reinforce professional values. Building community is an ongoing focus for the course. Through feedback I will analyse the successful community fostering elements and find ways to feed them through to the next unit and build on them.